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Welcome to My Christian Walk!

If you are reading this you are probably wondering a few things; Who is writing this? What is My Christian Walk? How can you get involved?

Who is writing this?

First and foremost this blog is not about me, It is about God! With that being said I still need to share my story so you can better understand what this blog is all about. I grew up in a Christian house and had two wonderful parents who always did their best to point towards God. I attended Vacation Bible School as a child and attended youth group activities 2 or 3 times a week from 6th-12th grade. Through college, I did not have a church to call home but I prayed and read my Bible occasionally. After college, I found my church home and began volunteering weekly with the youth program. It was at that time I realized my passion for being a part of a Christian community and being a student of the Word.

Fast forward to 2020, COVID quarantine sets in… The world had changed and life as I knew it had drastically changed. I went from working full-time in the marketing field to being a stay-at-home wife. I went from living close to our family to living 700 miles away. I had more free time than I knew what to do with. I had a decision to make, would I let my free time make the best of me or would I make the best of my free time?

Since the beginning of quarantine, I have tried to make the most of the free time I have been given. That is what brings me here today! With my skills in marketing and love for being a part of a Christian community, I wanted to create a virtual Christian community where we can share our stories and support one another at a distance. With that being said, Give me grace! I would not describe myself as a talented writer, but am a student of the Lord who is working to connect and communicate what I feel God has placed on my heart.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

What is My Christian Walk?

My Christian Walk is a blog and virtual community designed to connect and support each other. God didn’t create us to be self-sufficient, we need Him and each other to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. My Christian Walk’s name comes from the idea that each of us has a personal walk and story to be shared. We come from different backgrounds, different parts of the country, and see things differently. When we embrace those differences and share them openly, we can grow closer to each other and grow closer to God’s image of a community of believers. The odds are high that there is someone else who has faced the struggle you are facing right now. When we share our stories of how God’s love, grace, and strength saved us, we can work towards overcoming any struggle. COVID has taken away our ability to be in community with one another but God has blessed us with technology and the ability to communicate at a safe distance. My hope is to create a library of stories from many different voices to represent a wider variety of Christian Walks.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

How can you get involved?

This is where you come in! In order to make this work, I need help. I need your stories, your ideas, and your prayers. Please comment on posts, add your thoughts and insights. Send us your stories to be shared with the community. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for daily verses. Email us your prayer request and praises at or add them on the discussion page.

Beautiful Drummerston Covered Bridge in Vermont
Beautiful Drummerston Covered Bridge in Vermont, Photo by Mary Peterson

The photo of this bridge reminds me of how much we need one another to navigate life. Without a bridge, we would have to go through the cold deep waters alone. With the bridge, we can stay on the right path that keeps us dry and safe. In a bridge, there are many parts that have to work together to form a sturdy structure strong enough to hold the weight of what is crossing. Together as a Christian Community, we can come together to support one another, bearing the weight of each other's struggles, and help each other cross over the cold deep waters the world puts in from of us.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Don't forget to check out all of our other blog posts on the site!

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